Impact of font and color in custom logo design

by | Sep 2, 2021 | 0 comments

The logo of a firm is the brand recognition visual personification.

So, it’s important to develop a clear identity whenever you begin your firm. Every logo element will impact those who view it, be it intended or unintentional. There ought not to be anything arbitrary. You already know that you know things when you acknowledge advertising psychology that you can affect how people react when they view your brand image.

It is in your advantage to ensuring that each and every decision of logo design is deliberate and delivers the message.

Without thinking about design choices, logos are deceptive or misleading. Or, worse yet, terrible choice of design leads to logos which communicate nothing at all. Consider the psychology of logo design more thoroughly and also how fonts, forms, lines, colors and arrangement – the key aspects of your brand – may alter the impact of a logo on purchase choices.

Font in Logo design:

Fonts affect individuals psychologically. The impression created by the choosing of the font is closely related to the form of the letter and to our conditioned reaction.

Choose a typeface with the correct “personality” when utilizing fonts for your business. As we have stated, typewriting is an efficient means of transmitting more than simply printed words. It highlights the personality of what you are talking about visually portraying the tenor and tone. You may discover that your aim is best fulfilled by choosing an all-round font with dynamic personality or by utilizing a blend of sans and serif types.

A few more individuals recognize Regular or Sans Serif typefaces (you saw them even if you didn’t know how to separate them). It was conceived to simplify the reading of text, making most Serif and Sans Serif fonts an excellent match for various types of enterprise.

How does it help your business to know the font style?

Are you more traditional, such as Arial and Helvetica? Maybe with an unusual pick like Kirsten or Papyrus, you may discover a stronger fit.

It’s indeed evident that any font you choose should meet the requirements of the customers when they meet your brand. Research examining the features individuals connect with various font lines was carried out by the Software Usability Research Laboratory (SURL) of Wichita State University. The traditional typeface, comprising Arial and Times New Roman, has been classified as ‘steady’ and ‘mature,’ but also as ‘unimaginative’ and ‘conformist.’

“fresh” and “casual” typefaces like Comic Sans, by contrast, have been called “happy” and “coincidental.” For example, fonts for the business logo should try to be clean and classic. If you know anything about your typeface – letters, emails, business cards – it would be ideal to strengthen the statement you are a reliable and respectable enterprise. On the other hand, a more informal coffee shop should avoid too stiff, hyper-clean typefaces. The café’s environment is calm and convenient, and this should be reflected in your choice of fonts. Make sure the name of the firm is readable, most crucial.

Colors in logo design:

Color is the most important emotional trigger in your logo design arsenal. Colors have a deep emotional connection to the human psyche. Although our perception of colors is built into our brains, influenced by culture, or a mixture of the two, there is a widely acknowledged code of the color. As we discussed in a previous article, Social Enterprise Branding: What Color Says About Your Company: Whereas the impression of colors and also what they signify is individual, there are certain common characteristics that we may use. Here are a few examples of these characteristics:


Often thought to be lively, media exposure, bright, and associated with passion, rage, vitality, and pleasure.


Shown as daring, suggesting enjoyment, zeal, youth, and adventure.


furthermore, this hue is associated with wealth, but also is associated with balance, healthiness, sustainable development, and wisdom.


The color of truth, excellence, expertise, confidence, dependability, and ethics.


This colour scheme is associated with feelings of love, empathy, passion, tenderness, and refinement.


Purple is frequently associated with factors, monarchy, mystique, elegance, and fun (and violet).


Brown is an exterior tone that is welcoming, natural, spontaneous, pleasant, and rough.


All this hue is about elegance, intellect, gravity, and cost.


The black contrast is recognized for its order, purity, clarity, cleanness, impartiality, and distance.


You may wish to choose grey if you desire to express temporality, neutrality, elegance, or pragmatism.

The way a color is viewed may also affect culture and the situation. Consequently, make the finest possible decisions depending on your unique background and seek your audiences.It is also necessary to remember the emotional effects for your audience of just how you combine your colors in a single component. Examples are:

Many bright colors look young, childish, or energetic.
Black and white are a traditionally beautiful blend of age and refinement. The combined neutral hue with accent color enables you to enjoy the emotional effect, without the children, of the vivid, light color.
Monochromatic systems help you to adopt more vibrant while retaining a gentler, more unified feeling.

Wisely choose your colors to evoke the right brand feelings. The brand identity should always be embodied in your color selections.

Custom LOGO

Our logos can both be used on printed materials and on websites. Visit us at 6000 Poplar Avenue, Suite 250Memphis, TN 38119

Go with the Flow while Designing the Logo


In order to convey that the brand you own brand goes with the flow, and is fashionable and important, you can also put the ongoing logo trends into your Logo Design in San Antonio. In order to be successful, trends depend on repeated use and fame, and they bring a change almost every year for smart designers to remain on top. By the removal of more abstract forms, logos tend to upgrade the dominant theme of minimalism. This move to abstract principles strengthens and makes the impact of such Logo Designs in San Antonio more successful.

Appropriate Typography for Your Logo

The environment around and the feelings of the logo while Designing the Logo in San Antonio can really be influenced by all the visuals. Although this is quite clear for all the images present in a logo, the typography is also important. The way your text is looking will influence the understanding of your brand by individuals.

Typography includes all text graphic choices: mention your font size and the size of your text as well, and don’t forget to highlight other specifications while designing the logo. Mind not to place the cart in front of the horse when selecting typography. Typography is very much related to comprehensibility and readability. It doesn’t matter how cool is the typeface you are using; it is worthless if people are unable to read it.

Appropriate Shape

The art of Logo design in San Antonio is more like a visual interaction. This art mainly involves both realizing about the message you wish to convey and what the graphics will say. Some of our thoughts extracted by some memorable photos or the logo’s shape itself. What you really need to remember while overlooking the theoretical context of Logo design in San Antonio, is that every single shape symbolizes a whole new feature. Don’t forget to compare your logo’s shape to the features you wish for your company to show.

While designing the logo, if you think of expressing something more special, you are allowed to make abstract shapes on your own. Moreover, if you want to customize it, just mix and then compare different sections of a shape. As an example, you may think of an iphone’s logo; you can consider an abstract shape, but a large number of the “circle” characteristics are provided by its smooth-edged structure and the curves.

It is not necessary to complicate a well-designed and simple looking logo. It should look sophisticated. It shouldn’t be complex to read. Moreover, it must convey something on the very first sight. Apart from this, the logo may have several secret messages, but it is crucial that it sends a message that anyone can easily understand and explain to others if appropriate.

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